Being Heard

If one speaks yet no one bothers to listen, frustration builds. If one speaks yet no one acknowledges their right to an opinion, anger builds. If one speaks yet he/she feels their words don’t matter, anxiety builds. If one speaks yet no one cares, abandonment builds. If one speaks yet no one takes him/her seriously, loss of self esteem and an attitude of mean self preservation builds. What are You building within your circle of Family, Friends, Co-Workers, Neighbors, and Community?

It’s not about being right, getting your way, or ruling the kingdom. It’s about respectfully listening and being listened to. It can be painful when you listen to things said in truth that you don’t want to hear. If you don’t feel you are being heard when you speak distrust sets in, love wanes, and either you retreat into a shell or let loose with an angry outburst. Neither is healthy. It’s about being heard and It’s about taking time to listen.

Being heard on all sides of an argument, disagreement, relationship, and within the family may not change things the way you want, but that’s not the point. Being heard Heals as it leads to mutual respect, unconditional love, and trust without boundaries. If we aren’t willing to listen to each other how are we hearing God? Yes, sometimes, Listen = Silent!

“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:12

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