Beautiful Moments

We are given the gift of starting over again and again as each new day dawns and we are still alive to breathe in the crisp morning air. Those hours spent in the darkness between Sunset and Sunrise can either be restful, rejuvenating, and enlightening, or restless, fearful, and impatient.

Many nights are spent with trepidation waiting on the light to come, especially for those with PTSD. It can be debilitating. Seek Holy in the waiting.

Small moments of beauty do not seem to sustain humans for very long these days. This causes us to become uneasy and fretful, even unhappy without really knowing why. Guard your heart. Make a point to seek many beautiful moments throughout each day. Store these God moments in your heart. They will become sustaining. They will be enough. They will teach you patience.

I want to be rested in my soul, daily restored to Holy wonder, and patient during the wait. How about you?

Do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16

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