Be A Blessing

Credit: Spiritual Inspiration
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34 (NIV)

When we get up to see another day on earth we are immediately called to action. Just because we are blessed with the goodness and love of God, perhaps also wealth, a nice home, great horses, or even if it’s just a cozy cabin in the woods, our BLESSINGS ARE NOT TO BE HOARDED. We are to bless others daily with the love and life afforded to each of us whatever that looks like for you. If we all made a commitment to loving others as Christ loves ALL, the world would be less selfish and more giving.

Passing on the Blessings are not set rules or guidelines. It’s answering and acting upon the beckoning of the Holy Spirit to reach out to others in Christ’s Love at a moments notice. Some may feel led to buy groceries for the person in front of them in line. Some may show up at the right time and place to give a hug and encouraging word to a grieving soul (coincidence? I think not). Some may feel led to pull over and talk with the person on the side of the road begging for work or money in order to listen to their story, and then share their story of hope and forgiveness found in Christ. Some may feel prompted to offer up a prayer of intervention for a lost addict. Some may feel led to go out and find the addict to provide help in rehab . Sometimes it’s just being the blessing of treating someone else with respect instead of disdain, being courteous in the face of hatred, or showing love to someone most find unlovable.

As you go about your day seek an opportunity to Bless someone in whatever way you can today with the love of Christ. It will look different for each person. Be The Blessing!

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