A Wise Turkey

The Protector – following up the rear of the flock; high stepping; on a mission
Photo Credit Donna Pool

Turkeys live in social hierarchies that protect, nurture, and oversee in genuine care. All of the hens look after each others gosling. Tom’s vie for leadership while the juveniles challenge him for power. Yet, if the juveniles don’t win they will often times go away from the flock, but still form their own bachelor group while searching for their own flock to win over in time.

Therefore watch carefully how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise… Ephesians 5:15

We as humans can all learn something from Turkey’s within our own social hierarchy. We should walk carefully living to protect each other instead of place blame and fight. We must strive to nurture each other instead of tear down, one up, or play endless power games. Our role in life is to oversee in genuine care not bully, take advantage of or seek selfish gain.

It is time for us humans to be wise turkeys! I’m in. Are you?

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