A Cog in the Wheel of Life

Cog: a Gear with rotating parts that transfers power from one part to another. The teeth of each cogwheel mesh together to supply continuing power.
Cog: Child Of God

In the circle of our day to day lives we have the power to transfer to each other Good or Evil, which in turn perpetuates a world of the same. It’s all in whether there is more Good being transferred or more Evil. We are all a cog in the wheel of life on earth. If we choose to ignore our God given gifts and shove our way along in selfish pursuits we have given in to evil by association thereby allowing it to be the power that is transferred into daily life. The purpose of evil then overwhelms good and the greater kingdom of God is not glorified in life on earth. If, however, we embrace our place in the Cogwheel as a Child of God, using our God given gifts and talents as our way of life, the transfer of the Holy Spirit power outweighs evil allowing for our life’s purpose to perpetuate good not only for ourselves, but out into the world as well.

What does your cog in the wheel on earth look like? The circle of life goes on and the power of control is always played out between Good and Evil. When Good prevails Peace, Unity, Love and Compassion are the natural transfer of power for the good of all. You can overcome the evil that lures you down the wrong path. Start today by asking Divine to point out your life purpose for good, your spiritual gifts to share, your talents to help others, forgiving those who have betrayed you, and embrace life anew God’s way and not your own way.

Joseph said to his brothers, who had sold him into slavery and feared for their lives upon the death of their father… “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good (used it to bring about good), to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. So do not fear; I will provide for you and your little ones. Thus he comforted them (the family who had betrayed him long ago) and spoke kindly to them.” Genesis 50:15-21 (excerpts)

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