In the silence of any given moment there is a thrum, a heartbeat, a freeing breath where you can find the Divine within. It’s the most important connection you’ll ever make.
Silence is golden because it is grounding. It is what makes the difference in our lives between perpetual worry and gaining perspective. Discernment comes in the silent moments we spend seeking answers, weighing outcomes, meeting the Holy Spirit with mindful intention.
Our days are filled with chaos, lies, loud voices, and arrogant personalities. If that’s all we’ve allowed in our lives for a long time then silence will be loudly uncomfortable. It’s time to move past that fearful feeling when we allow noise to fill every moment. It is deadening to our Spirit.
Choose, today, to begin experiencing silence with intent. Push through the fear of it and seek the peace of it. You will find it. Make the time.
“a time to keep silence, and a time to speak…” Ecclesiastes 3:7