Watch Over

Lyra Photo Credit Donna Pool

There is nothing God misses. His angels watch out for us. The Holy Spirit within is the heartbeat of Holy and Holy is available to each of us 24/7, day and night. Divine sees it all, knows everything we do and say. Divine even witnesses our mistakes, the anger, the relapse, the horrible. Yet, the unconditional love is there to be found. It flows around us like an ethereal mist enveloping our very being. Divine desires for us to be happy, content, kind, and to seek His path. Divine watches over us in our happiness and joy, and Divine watches over us in our dire situations.

When loneliness threatens our happiness; Divine is watching. We are never alone. If sadness circles ’round and grief is hard to bear; Divine is watching. Divine watches, listens for our prayers, beckons conversation, desires to heal hearts, and sends someone in our path at just the time. Divine watches over us, always.

You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways.” Psalm 139:2,3

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