There is Always Hope
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a future.”
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Look Into His Eyes
His Eyes are all around us if we take the time to turn off the TV, get off the cell phones, stop leaving work late, feeling sorry for ourselves at having to stay inside and away from people due to the pandemic. This song says it all. Take off the filters of your life. Close
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Rest Don’t Stress
Any time there are too many things going on in our lives it’s really hard to sift through it all to find the truth. Satan is banking on you’ll be too tired, too stressed, and too self absorbed to take time out of your day to filter out the lies. If you give in to
True Love
A truer love you will never find on earth. Thankful Jesus’ Spirit lives within us. How refreshing to know Jesus accepts everyone. Who can you be Jesus to today and show His authentic love? “The Pharisees and the scribes grumbled, saying, “This man (Jesus) receives sinners (outcasts) and eats with them.” Luke 15:2 ESV
Moment to Moment
In a world of prejudice, violence, sickness, uncertainty, and hate, it is easy to get caught up in the anger, verbal/physical abuse, the power hungry… It is an unhealthy state of emotions. For a people of peace it is so frightening that many just remain reclusive peering through the curtains of their homes as the
Lonely Hearts
When we are lonely it’s very easy to become self judging instead of looking inward to the Holy Spirit for answers to our feelings. The tendency to question the “why” of life’s unfairness, diseases, violence, lack of relationship points us in the direction of assuming everyone else we know has everything in life they want
Stop Playing with Your Life
At some point we all must choose to walk away from those people, things, drugs, and any other tempting pleasures satan uses to keep us entertained in an unhealthy way. Living a Godly life is not boring, sedate, unexciting, or unfun. Those pleasures we enjoy dabbling in always come against us in the end; overdose,
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Holy Happiness
Why is it we think that if we can just do everything that makes us happy we will then be happy? In many ways that is a selfish way of looking at life, but it is also, in the long run, disappointing and just perpetuates the cycle of finding the next thing, person, drug, food,
Kind Intent
Authentic kindness hinges upon our intent behind that action. If it is because you are thinking the person(s) involved will repay that kindness in some way, donate to your cause, join your team, or give you what you want your “self” is still at the root of your actions. Acts of authentic kindness come from