You Will Survive

Photo Credit Donna Pool

I was walking through the forest the other day and was struck by the beautiful blooms on this tiny shrub surrounded by tall trees. Streams of light made their way through the clouds of branches and leaves to that shrub allowing it to flourish among those overbearing trees. Even in its smallness the beautiful blooms stood out and added a soft beauty to the shadowed darkness of the trees.

I marveled as I walked on as how something so fragile and delicate could not only survive but thrive among the giants and Divine gave me this:

Even when you feel small and insignificant in the world, remember, my light always gets through the giants surrounding you in your life so you can still bloom… Holy One

Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; those who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” John 8:2