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“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Holy.” Jeremiah 17:7

When we find our true worth in God we find there are things, people, careers, groups, and places that no longer serve to foster our relationship with Holy. There should be no condemnation for each one has taught us something along the road of our life. Even mistakes, wrong turns, missteps, and lazy excuses serve to teach us a thing or two. It is in this acceptance of the journey that we learn to be kind and move on; no harsh feelings or shameful chastising. As our worth grows within or faith grows without and we can be confident in the timing of Divine. Elements of life seemingly fall into place over time and we are able to look back with fond memories, sheepish smiles, and even a few eye rolls as we shake our head in dismay.

Take a moment today and assess what is truly of worth in your life through God’s grace filled eyes. Hold onto it and let the winds take the rest away. You are worthy.