Worth Repeating

Credit Unknown Scripture: God says “This is worth repeatingListen Up

What Battles do you face today, other than what is going on around you, in this country, in the world, or in your family? Be reminded that forces of evil fight to maintain their strongholds in the dark, and if you buy into it you will be destroyed, too, if you get in the way. Evil destroys = haughty attitude, hiding secrets, elitist actions, unforgiveness, manipulation, meanness, creating mayhem, unloving behavior…. Never forget the battle in the realm goes on day and night and whether you perceive it or not you, too, can get caught up on the wrong side (evil) of it by perpetuating a version of that darkness on earth.

God fights for each of us in the realm. The fight for good, justice, kindness, and right behavior never ends. The fight for your soul to join the good never ends. It’s never too late.

If God fights so passionately for us in the realm, why not fight passionately for the good saving grace He stands for while on earth? The Battle is Real. We are all caught up in it. Whose side are you on?