Words To Live By

Artistic Credit Unknown

The words that we say do not just come from our mouths. Our words resonate within every part of our body promoting wellness or illness. Yes, there is a thought process that precedes our words. So, that being the case, we would do well to think before we speak so we can rearrange our thought pattern to reflect encouragement with good and helpful words. Do not give in to hurtful thoughts and words with revenge, distaste, or anger leading the way. Pause to reflect on what attitudes are forming your words. Even when faced with disagreements, disappointments, angry tirades, and unhappy circumstances always give time to seek deeper meanings of situations so that your response not only comes from an understanding and encouraging sense rather than a provoking attitude. You will find you will be the one calmed, focused, and helpful as well as the ones you speak to.

Silence is also unspoken words. Sometimes words would do no good, are not necessary, or would provoke an argument no matter how good and encouraging. Don’t be so determined to defend, but, rather, be determined to help the moment become good by offering the words of the Divine within, who helps each and every step of our daily lives. That is Encouragement enough for me to be confident in my silence, my words, for they are His words and thoughts, and my responses. Remember that any small encouragement in your mind just might be a Huge Encouragement to someone needing to hear something good when their life is falling apart.