
Are you feeling tossed about in the sea of life? What is really happening? Sometimes, we must purposefully and diligently be separated from things of this world to prepare for what God has next for us. This time is God’s threshing floor.

When it is time to move forward, God winnows our lives to separate the good from the unusable. Say goodbye to the old ways and embrace where God has you going. It is not an easy season to be tossed about in uncertainties, fear, or calamities, and while you might not understand it in the moment, God is rising up the good. Be patient. Stand firm. Ask for understanding.

God’s winnowing fork is in His hand to clear His threshing floor and to gather the wheat into His barn, but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. Luke 3:17

In God’s plans, there is good, value, gifts of the heart, and a new life of productive service. Seek it. You might still be on the threshing floor, so don’t give up. Keep learning. Keep going.  Shalom

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