Wings and Whispers

Photo Credit Donna Pool

I tried to save her. The storm blew her onto my deck the other day and she was clinging to a branch. After the wind and rain subsided I gently pick her up and noticed she was still alive. I put her in the potted plants away from other animals and the hot sun so she could rest thinking she would fly away when she was ready. She was beautiful. I kept checking on her noticing that she moved around more, waved her wings, and finally seemed ready to fly. But, she couldn’t. I finally noticed her tail wings had broken and aerodynamically it was going to be impossible for her to fly. I remembered my granddaughter and I had saved a beautiful butterfly from a Tractor Supply parking lot a few years ago by delicately gluing her wings back together. She had lived and flew away once she had rested. I ran into the house to find some clear, non-toxic glue. By the time I got back to her she had died. I was overcome with great sadness that I had not been able to save her like I had the others.

Life is that way. We never know when it’s our time nor do we know the circumstance. What we can plan on is to just be there for others in kindness, compassion, love, sharing, healing, forgiveness, and in whatever way we can for this day. This day might be the last day on earth so don’t get too caught up in it. If you do, you will miss the beautiful butterflies, Holy whispers of peace and love, and simply living to enjoy this day.

Romans 8:16

For the Holy Spirit makes God’s fatherhood real to us as he whispers into our innermost being, “You are God’s beloved child!”