Wilderness Reset

Wilderness: the forlorn and barren place of trying to survive the wild elements

Wilderness: the forlorn and barren place of lonely despair, weary tears, and loss of self trying to survive in the world

Many wander the forest, grumbling that there’s not enough resources, never seeing or appreciating the surrounding provisions. Some wander the forest seeking respite and understanding, appreciating the silent beauty of the forest as Holy wonder.

No matter the wilderness you walk in today, make time to take a trip to the forest to seek God. Listen for Holy whispers through the trees. When we are willing to stop and make time for Holy, we begin to know the right way to go and the right thing to do in order to be fruitful. The wilderness then serves as our reset. Otherwise, it’s just aimless wandering.

Until the Spirit is poured on us from on high, and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field, and the fruitful field is considered a forest. Then justice will dwell in the wilderness; and righteousness will remain in the fruitful field. Isaiah 32

Forest: Biblically, denotes knowledge of truths, God, good, memories, and the church as divine

If you are experiencing the wilderness in your life, it is time to have church in the forest!