Wild and Free

Photo Credit Donna Pool
Wild Turkey’s

A few weeks ago I was late to an appointment so was driving like a crazy woman in a rush. I rolled up to a stop sign on a country road and when I looked right this is what I saw right by the road. I stopped to take a breath and just revel in their beauty as well as the oddity of this happening on a fence line right next to a traveled road. My mind was saying, “Go, you’re running late; you don’t have time for this.” But my heart was shouting, “Linger, there’s a lesson here.” I put my car in park, thanked Holy Spirit for shouting over the enemies mind games, and just watched these Turkey’s so wild and free and beautiful. The hens and babies milling around on the ground were eating and roaming, but never came into the road. The lookouts made sure of that. These words came loudly to my mind, “as a group wild turkeys and their babies survive; alone they get caught up in the line of fire and die”. My eyes misted over as this day was the morning after the enemy took over Afghanistan. I prayed for lost lives and the ones left alone without their guards.

I’ve always felt like America was a unified, humanitarian country that tried to do the right thing by the world. My heart wept and I prayed for unity as a country to move forward together and to right mistakes made in a peaceful, yet direct, manner. America, we are a lot like turkeys, free to do as we please and a little bit wild. It’s always worked for this country as people still came together even in their disagreements probably because Divine was solidly grounded in the hearts of the people, or most of them, and leading the way. Now, self leads the way and what a mess. Most people today feel alone, abandoned, and trust no one. It is sad. It is not the way God intended for it to go.

The laborers throughout the history of this country and in the world are to be celebrated for their tenacity, perseverance, and forgiven for their mistakes because Holy was allowed to speak in hearts, in churches, in the homes, and in the media. That Holy voice has now been slowly oppressed and self rules the day. It is not what the laborers intended. While their unified work effort (especially the military service workers) harvested a strong, free, Godly, caring country, the efforts of today seem to be self indulgence, power at all cost, even lives, and what do I get without having to work for it. We need more true laborers that are determined, seek good in all they do, pray without ceasing, and bring back love in the Divine sense.

Mistakes in the world are forgiven, but we must ask for it and truly be sorry. First, it begins with each of us individually, then collectively, and finally as a group or unit or country that has integrity, honesty, respectful attitudes, and a deep Holy desire to help and work together with each other. If wild turkeys know how to get it right surely we humans can do it, too. It takes effort, time, and Divine intervention. Pray for the world, this country, peace in the valley, and people to come together to keep the enemy from winning the mind games. So glad I had the courage to stop to watch the turkeys and listen to the Holy Spirit within. Yes, I was late to my appointment, but realized that day that all the appointments in this earthly world are not more important than listening for the voice of God speak to my heart at any give moment.

“Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few…” Matthew 9:37 ESV