Why Pray?

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“Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, Believe that you have received them, and they will be granted to you.” Mark 11:24

Do you believe that what you pray for will occur? Are you willing to wait for God’s timing in your prayer requests even if it means months or years later? When you Pray do you hurry on to your next appointment for the day, go to sleep immediately, or do you wait in silence to hear God speak to your heart? What do you pray for: material possessions, money, healing, other people, life direction? If the answer to your prayer is not immediate or doesn’t look exactly like what you planned for; do you get made at God?

  • The verse in Mark 11 is a response about really Believing that what we Pray for has already happened, that God is actually hearing and Listening, and demonstrating a larger than life of Faith in the unseen.
  • Faith in the unseen: God is bigger than the universe
  • Faith in the unseen: Knowing God will come through in His timing for the good of our well being and the Kingdom based on our past experiences or that of others
  • Faith in the unseen: God’s Spirit lives in our Spirit so we have access to listen for His guidance. Give Him your time
  • Faith in the unseen: A trusting relationship with God fosters a deeper and deeper faith in the unseen that answers the question,” Why Pray”?

We live in an age of impulsive behavior, great unhappiness (even though we live in the richest country in the world), violent outbursts, unnecessary killings, and selfish motives. It’s hard not to get caught up in the frenzy and fear mongering of the current times. Now more than ever Faith in the Unseen and Prayer time is important to guard against getting caught up in the enemy plan of destruction. So Why Pray? Ask God, then Listen for His words to speak to your mind and heart!