Who is There For You?

Charlie Brown and Snoopy Credit Unknown

Sometimes just being there is enough. No words. No grand gestures or cheerful jokes. No big plans or extravagant presents. Only your Presence…. maybe a hug, a smile, or a song. Silence is ok, too.

Love came down at Christmas in the presence of a babe. Presence is the only need sometimes. Presence bears the greatest gift filled with love, care, concern, support, and healing. Don’t forget this Christmas season to thank those who’ve sat with you in your darkness and lifted your spirits just by being there. It happens more than once in our lives and sometimes it’s the same kind soul, and sometimes they’re new ones.

Make your list and check it twice so you can reach out to thank all the souls who’ve been there for you. Look for an opportunity to be someone’s kind soul, too. It may the phone call, card, or visit someone needed to find Holy presence again in their life.

“Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends (or family).” John 15:12