
The whispers of God can only be heard when our minds are quiet. Our minds can only be quiet when we remove ourselves from the over stimulation we are bombarded with every day.

When the enemy can keep us stressed, exhausted, constantly in noisy environments, addicted to our phones, and overwhelmed with overwork, God within does not have a chance to re-order our life because it’s harder to hear Him and find time to seek Him. Let’s not allow Satan to covertly win the day.

It takes effort to focus on finding and hearing the whispers of God in this world. When you incorporate quick little quiet moments with God throughout each day, your world will change. Do the work to make it a habit.

The beauty of establishing that habit is that you begin to enjoy life with Holy in mind. You begin to covet the whispers of God instead of the distractions. You will be changed. You gain wisdom, calmness in your spirit, and awaken to truths. You will hear the birds singing clearly, notice the beauty of the earth, and become more forgiving by the power of the Holy Spirit.

As the Holy Spirit says, “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, on the day of testing in the wilderness… Hebrews 3:7-8

Find your beauty in the whispers of God who will speak directly to your heart up close and personally.

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