
Artist Unknown
This Country and World are in deep need of Prayer for they are spiraling out of control.

Life’s a whirlwind these days. Seems like one after the other catastrophic event, aggravation, frustration, and injustice swirls together to create a life filled with indecisions, impulsivity, fear, lies, and power trips. Today’s world we live in begs for stopping to consider the Truth, underlying reasons for destruction, and a ceasing to spiraling out of control. We are the last free nation in the world and that should tell all of us something about this world. Anyone who has spent time in a socialist country knows it doesn’t work and the people suffer. I have seen it. Freedom is not about doing as we please with a heart full of hate. This country was founded upon One Nation Under God, but few who live here even know anything about this protector of our souls, and don’t really want to know either. It’s a shame and it’s very sad for without God as our protector we, too as a country, will go down the road of perpetual destruction.

History continues to repeat itself. Look at Hosea, whom the Lord sent a Word: The people of Israel had turned away from God choosing instead to embrace a spirit of prostitution, which led them astray. The arrogance of the people, including the priests and leaders of the time, became so corrupt they were rebellious, easily deceived, and acted senseless. They threw caution to the wind and sought help from anywhere except for God, who was waiting patiently and sending Words of warning for them to return to honorable living. They did not heed the warnings. The people even built altars for sin offerings , but ended up using them as sin altars. Being stubborn and unrepentant of their heinous living they broke covenant with God and He took His hand of protection over them away. Their palaces, wealth, idols, sex trafficking, false agreements, and unscrupulous means to get ahead could not save them once God had had enough. They found themselves starving, wealth taken away by others, lawsuits flourished, homes destroyed, cities desecrated, wandering alone….

“(the people) Israel has rejected what is good; an enemy will pursue….They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.” Hosea 8:3,7

“The more I called Israel, the further they went from me….They did not realize it was I who healed them. I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love; I lifted the yoke (burdens) from their neck and bent down to feed them…” Hosea 11:2-4

“I spoke to the prophets, gave them many visions and told parables through them (the people heard, but did not heed).” Hosea 12:10

“Your sins have been your downfall! Return to the Lord and say to Him: “Forgive all our sins and receive us graciously that we may offer the fruit of our lips (testimony)” Hosea 14:1,2

The people of this Country and this World are in deep need of genuine Prayer for Forgiveness. God will reach down and save even if it’s only a remnant of the wise and discerning. Stop Right Now and Pray!