Life is never black and white. There’s always gray areas that serve to ignite, confuse, awaken, restore, oppose, or induce weariness. The key is to find beauty, peace, acceptance in the parts of you that you do not like nor want. If we are pining to be something else, someone else, our focus, then becomes changing that pain to anything but who we really are created to be on earth. If we were all exactly alike, then we would be no different than our avatar image on social media. Earth can not sustain itself with sleeping robots that do not think, feel, or have emotions. Holy created the universe, earth, animals, humanity, plants, trees, and water’s to thrive in dynamic diversity. Out of this creation list, humanity is the only one that does not embrace that diversity within ourselves.
How did we come to a time in history where fake perfection and comparison to others we perceive as perfect are more important than real and genuine; imperfections and all. Embracing this fake perfection has caused low self-esteem, not good enough thinking, angry rage, bitterness that your life is not perfect like someone else’s, selfish entitlement, increased suicide and addiction, child mutilation, and do as you please in the name of freedom. It kills, steals, and destroys. Who does this sound like? The enemy! Society has bought into it. Unfortunately, so have those faithful believers who are not willing to work on the parts of themselves they do not like. That is the enemy, too.
Where is your focus? On who you want to be or on who you really are? You can be confident in the Holy Promises that you are good enough and created just as God planned. Focusing on who you think you are not will keep you in a state of agonizing unhappiness one way or another. It is time to break that stronghold of Satan and embrace the real You with all of your baggage.
Today, stop allowing satan to use your mistakes, shame, guilt, failings, sicknesses, unhealthy body images, past vices, or whatever you do not like about yourself to keep you chasing an unattainable goal of being someone other than who you are created to become. It is time to deal with the parts of yourself you don’t like. Ask Holy to reveal how to heal those parts you do not like, along with how those parts can serve a greater good. We are all broken pots in some form or fashion. It is ok.
Start with forgiveness of yourself and others. Pray to God, asking for help to change your thought patterns and attitudes. Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Get in the Word and ask Jesus to intercede on your behalf in the Courts of Heaven. First and foremost, it is not about how you look. It is how your heart perceives you.
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7