Wheat or Chaff?..

There is a consuming fire within all of us. It is either the consuming fire of God or of self. The “self” in this world is becoming more deviant by the day.  Even so, God would take all of them into His consuming fire if change was made and all repented. His love for his creations is that deep. Let us pray for those who are lost in their own little selfish, deviant world.

Jesus even made reference to the ashes of people and nations that refused to repent of sin and make a change even though they witnessed the miracles and heard the good news firsthand. This is no different than today’s world.

So I ask you, Are you the wheat or the chaff? If there is anything in your life that you need to let go of, set a boundary with, seek help for, or confess to God even though He already knows? Do it now. Don’t get caught in the wrong fire.

… for our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:29

God will winnow out the defiant wayward chaff. Pray for all to make change and turn that chaff into wheat.

Sometimes, prayer, God’s Word, and the compassion of Christ are all the wheat that is needed to turn the chaff toward a better, fruitful, and Holy life.