What’s Your Aroma?

Credit: Christine Caine
” For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other we are the fragrance of life…” 2 Corinthians 2:15-16 (NIV)

If we stay in our broken places we die a long slow death, therefore, we will exude the fragrance of that process to everyone around us. The smell of death is putrid. When we feel hemmed in on all sides, broken, locked in the burning hell of debt, addiction, homelessness, relationship failures, sadness within each day of our lives, all of our decisions, behaviors, and words reflect it. The enemy then has the advantage within our lives and wins the day. HOWEVER, As a creation of God the Father in Heaven, He sees us as the fragrance of Christ; already forgiven, loved, past sins and mistakes forgotten. Any brokenness within us He does not see as permanent, so neither should you.

God isn’t looking for perfect people with a perfect, tidy life exalting ourselves for what a great Christian we are. God is looking for broken people who have overcome in the name of Christ to share their story and exude the aroma of love, forgiveness, acceptance. Today, he needs Christ like Exiles to go after the other Exiles who desperately need something sweet and good to happen to show them the way out and away from the long slow death LEADING THEM towards eternal life . John Piper said it best in the quote below.

Exile: restricted or being away from or coming to a certain place = whether or not your preferred place of worship is still not meeting together, you must be diligently proactive in seeking the Divine in your daily life and carry it forward to help someone else

Aroma: like the sweet smell of fresh flowers or robust coffee brewing; a pleasant, subtle, pervasive quality, the atmosphere surrounding a particular type of smell (scent, person, place) = what aroma are you exuding today?

Scent of Heaven: air of good, breath of heaven, smell of Truth; someone showing up when you need them most = God will send You where He needs You and to whom is in need; Listen For It

Aroma of Christ: exudes a Spirit of possibilities, inspiration, love, forgiveness, meaning, sacrifice, and the smell of life = Reach for It

Again I ask, What Aroma are exuding as you go about your day? Life or Death? If you are in a broken place ask the Divine to send someone or something in your path today to help you find your way to Life in Christ. If you’ve found your way out of a broken place through Christ, ask for open eyes today so you may be used by the Divine to help someone else.

Be the Smell of Life in this dying world.