What More Could We Want?

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That’s just it, we always seem to want more, something different, just a bit grander, and lots of presents under the tree. It can make one frantic trying to keep up with it all. What if we got back to just enjoying the simple pleasures of life instead of looking ahead to more or complaining it’s not enough?

What would your simple pleasures look like this Christmas? I, for one, would welcome just sitting in the barn and listening to the animals eat, snuffle, sleep, snore, and dream. In fact, what a great place to be born!

I miss those comforting sounds in the night. I miss my farm life. I could get all caught up in that missing piece of my life, but I consciously make the daily effort to just enjoy where I am in life now. I will take those farm memories over all the kings horses any day. Now I get to enjoy walks through the forest, bird watching, and talking to the squirrels, which is something I never had time to do on the farm. Simple pleasures.

The birth of Jesus at Christmas speaks of simple pleasures, not grand accommodations. It is a purposeful scenario of beauty yet simpler ways, weary joy, and a long expected light in the dark.

Maybe this Christmas we could just enjoy each others company. What more do we need?

“This is the day the Lord has made; let us Rejoice and be Glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 (ESV)