Are you clinging to the Life giver or the Life taker? In a world filled with death traps humanity can certainly identify with dangerous circumstances, feelings of fear, rampant unfairness, and uncertain futures, but these only lead to our destruction if this is all we are focusing upon.
Like the newborn animal clinging to the rescue blanket, Divine set a plan in motion through Christ to save us from the death traps. Jesus’ life giving mission was no easy task, yet, the sacrifice made then still offers the same saving mercy today.
Whatever each of us spends time watching, reading, doing, and talking about clearly indicates what we cling to in life. If we are too caught up in the workings of this world we lose sight of the sacrifice, the love and compassion, the joy amid the rough days and our life slowly ebbs away into the biggest death trap of all, fear.
What are you clinging to in your life, today! Examine what is life giving and cling to it. As well, examine what takes away your drive to live in a hopeful way and get rid of that life taker. Life was just as hard in Jesus’ days on earth. It just looked different culturally. The ones who chose to cling to the message of the Holy One not only survived, but lived each moment with purpose not stress. We can do it today, too. What or Who are you clinging to for your life?