How you act says more about what you believe than words randomly tossed about. When you truly believe something with your whole heart and soul you are propelled to protect it, honor it, and outwardly show it.
Many hide behind the beliefs of religious organizations without ever drawing personally close to God. It is a good show, but shallow and not sustaining for at a moments notice the flesh reveals its ugly side discrediting every belief your mouth has uttered.
In order to truly embrace your beliefs you must live and breathe them daily with a Personal relationship with Jesus. You must stand up for your beliefs when the whole world stands against you. You will find Your beliefs, made solid by your personal relationship with the Holy One, will change you, your words, your actions, your attitude, and will change your reaction when the flesh rears its ugly head. Believe and act accordingly.
Seek truths in the Word, pray, ask for guidance. Even bad beliefs can turn into good beliefs in time.
The Holy Spirit is waiting to awaken within you. Are you ready to invite the Holy Spirit to come alive?
In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one… Ephesians 6:16