Tending The Seeds

mustard, seed, spice
Mustard Seeds
Photo(2) Credit: Pixabay

The mustard seed is known as one of the tiniest seeds on earth. When planted, nurtured, watered, protected from weeds, fed the right nutrients in soil, and receives abundant sunshine the plant grows strong and tall to withstand the storms, hail, winds, and pests. The large green leaves provide food. Birds can even nest in the larger (tree-like) varieties. The beautiful yellow blossoms spring forth for bees to gather pollen, provide seeds for replanting and to harvest for making a favorite condiment for sandwiches, hamburgers, and hot dogs…

The cycle continues, in a good and perfect world! Same with our words, actions and our FAITH. They can sow seeds of confidence, kindness, encouragement, truth, honesty… lending opportunity for flourishing growth, even in difficult circumstances. OR, they can sow hurt beyond repair which destroys faith, health, trust, and happiness. What are you telling yourself and others?

flower, mustard, blossom, seeds, faith

Even if your Faith is small, new, or you’re on the fence about it, tending to it like a precious seed enables it to grow within you to become like a field full of mustard seed blossoms with the power to move mountains and stand strong in the face of adversity.

But, if you stay on the fence, run away, or ignore the inner beckoning, you risk a life like seeds thrown on hard ground; scattering with the chaos of the winds of life, hardening in the sun of hurtful words and actions, lying dead in the field unproductive.

Field of Mustard Blossoms

“The harvest you reap reveals the seed that was planted (tended & nurtured). If you plant corrupt seeds of self-life into this natural realm, you can expect to experience a harvest of corruption. If you plant the good seeds of Spirit-life you will reap the beautiful fruits (blossoms) that grow from the everlasting life of the Spirit.” Galatians 6:8-20 (TPT)

What are you Sowing? How are You tending to Your Seeds of Faith, Words, & Actions?