Wearily All the Way

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Weary: a condition of the Heart and Spirit; more than just tired or fatigued
Merry: Great, Mighty, Illustrious, Strong, Gallant; a Spirit of Joy & Celebration

They are almost there. The city is in sight. A welcome scene for very tired travelers whose feet and backs are sore from their long journey across the land. Her time is close. They are relieved and must have been almost giddy at the thought of a comfy bed to sleep in, a good hearty meal, and maybe even a bath at the inn. Weary and Merry at the same time. We experience these same contradictions in emotions in our daily lives as well; weary and merry all wrapped up together, bad news and good news, sorry and gladness, disappointment and surprised elation.

“I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13

Wonder how they will handle the upcoming bad news about the inn when they arrive in the city? How do you handle bad news, especially around the holidays? What can we learn from Mary and Joseph about bearing the weariness of travel along with some bad news?

Do you go through life wearily, but without the merrily? This Christmas be reminded that together this weary world will rejoice in gladness and joy at the birth of light and love. A celebration that has endured generation after generation. Life will always make us weary. We have to make merry in the midst of it. Find your Merry this Christmas. It will sustain you a lifetime.

“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest…” Matthew 11:28 “For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances….” Philippians 4:11