The struggles we encounter in life never really look the same for each person. Even when we share similar struggles, our own are so much more magnified in our hearts and minds. So much so it’s hard to see the lesson, seek help, think of the many solutions at hand, or just talk about it. One thing is for sure, though. When we are willing to open up about our own struggles with trusted friends we reach a new level of understanding about ourselves and others. Far too often, however, none of us want to share our struggles for we want to be seen as strong, in control, or even feel undeserving of help. This only creates hardship because at some point one struggle too many will get the best of us and actions or words pour out in harmful behaviors setting us back instead of growing forward in healing. We must remember every creature on earth has struggles. They may not look like our struggles, but don’t hesitate to reach out and help, talk to, or just simply be there for whoever comes across your path in life today.
It is important to remember there is one we all can go to when we feel no one hears our plea for help named Holy One. What a friend we have in Jesus. The struggles in His life were very real, too. When all we have is Prayer it is comforting to know Jesus hears them all, and will somehow make His comforting presence known. Watch for it. Sometimes it comes in the form of an unexpected phone call, a card of encourage, a red bird in the window, or your favorite horse, dog, mole, or fox!
“A sweet friendship refreshes the soul.” Proverbs 27:9