Walk with Me

In this life the truest of treasures are those people in your life who stick by you through it all; good and bad. These warriors walk with you through the dark wilderness. They hold you up in tough times and cry with you in grief. These earthly treasures do not to try to fix us with flippant advice, speak judgemental words in hope we will snap out of “it”, nor do they see us as unhelpable for they know it must come from within ourselves. They know when to sit with us in silence and when to just walk beside us until we remember that the light of the Holy Spirit resides within. It is the only light we can count on that never goes out.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105

Jesus already sees you as whole, healed, powerful, and the light of the world. It is your choice whether you embrace His Word or not.

Thank your earthly warriors for being there for you. Then be there for someone else.