The strength of God can carry us through whatever we labor with in life. If we rely on His Way, Wisdom, and Word, our automatic go-to is to keep our eyes on Holy and uplift everyone we come in contact with each day. If we rely solely on ourselves, we quickly give out, and God’s Holy power is diminshed.
It is humanly impossible to accomplish anything on our own because we get bored, give out, or quit before completion. It will always be lacking or missing something. That something is the supernatural strength of God within that lifts us up to carry on beyond what we are able to do alone. We, in turn, are to pay it forward to help others whenever and wherever God says to.
Our labor will be in vain unless God is uplifting us along the way. Today, make it a point to uplift others in dignity, importance, and excellence just as God does for you.
“It is God who arms me with strength, And makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of deer and sets me on my high places.” Psalm 18:32-33