Unlock the Door

When humanity could not follow God’s glory and Word from the prophets, God devised a plan to save the world by way of His very spirit through Jesus. Born to human form. Living among the people to teach, to show care, to navigate temptation by way of faith and a life lived with purpose. Take the key and unlock your heart to embrace, with faith, your very purpose on earth. Holy is there. Unlock the door. Jesus will hold your hand and heal your heart. Then shut the door on all your past mistakes, temptations, screw ups, and look forward to living life anew; just like a babe. Walk through the door of life giving freedom and Rest in the Truth of His Word.

“I will give him, the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut and what he shuts no one can open.” Isaiah 22:22

“And to the angel of the church…. He who is Holy, who is True, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, and who shuts and no one opens” Revelation 3:7