Do you see the beauty on my fence line? The picture is fuzzy, but the message became clear after awhile. I watched from my windows as he/she sat there looking, watching, observing, waiting. I would go about my work for awhile, go back to look, and there this majestic creature still sat. I hoped it was not waiting for a baby squirrel to run by for breakfast. I was actually unaware for a long time that a Divine message awaited. Yes, it took me awhile to finally stop my marveling and just ask Holy, “what is the meaning of this”? I mean this lovely had been there all morning, no hunting, no flying around, no sleeping. I sat, I watched, I waited for Holy.
Divine sent this unlikely sentinel as a visual way to show that His faithful protection is all around. That it is good news and to have no fear. The spirit realm war rages. Difficult days are ahead. Do not lose hope. Stay the course. Stay focused on what matters in Divine ways and paths. The faithful who gather to Holy are warned, protected, and provisions are made. Be alert and Pay Attention to Truths in all things.
“Then the sentinel saw another man running, so the sentinel called to the gatekeeper and said, “Look, a man running alone.” The king said, “This one also [is] bringing good news.” 2 Samuel 8:26
How do you see Holy presence in your life? Do you see certain instances in life or animals in unique places as just random happenings? OR do you stop to inquire Holy meaning? Deepen and enrich your personal relationship with Divine wonder. It is unworldly, but we are spirits created to return to Holy paths. Take notice of your surroundings and Start your journey towards life today.
Photo Credit Donna Pool