Truth of the Matter

At daybreak when we rise up to meet the day our test begins. Each day we have another chance to get it right. Our day could be focused on being determined to be kind to those who we deem unworthy of our time, those we are tired of taking advantage of us, or some who are perpetually unkind about everything and everyone. The truth of the matter is we are all so tired and down trodden with our own burdens we are just trying to make it through each day. We, however, are called to do better, be better, act better for the Divine wants good for All humankind. A quick smile in the face of disagreement. A nod implying I notice You and you are important in the face of a homeless beggar. A wave of gladness to a lonely neighbor. A helping hand to an addict in need who hates the whole world beginning with themselves. Kindness is not always about words. It INCLUDES gestures, acknowledgment, paying attention to your surroundings, and stepping out of selfish attitudes to embrace a hurting world. Where is your focus today? Self or Kindness

It doesn’t take any time away from your work, family, school, grocery shopping, gym workouts, riding, or life in general make the conscious effort to be Kind. In fact, you will find kindness enhances every piece of your life for when you make a concerted effort to look for ways to show kindness. It happens spontaneously, and the world becomes a kinder place to live. Reach out and share some kindness today, ESPECIALLY WITH THOSE WHO ARE UNKIND for you might be the only kind person they encounter today. They just may pay it forward to someone else realizing that your smile, hello, helping hands, provided them an opportunity to see others in a different light.

Shine Your Light – Be Kind to Everyone not just those are kind to you first! ~dp

“David thought, I will show kindness to Hanun son of Nahash, because his father showed kindness to me.” 1 Chronicles 19:2