God wants everyone to make their life journey towards Heaven. We must transform from the world’s way to His way, and, sometimes, it takes a lifetime. Each one’s journey is different. Never judge someone’s transformation based on the world’s perception of success. Their testing may not look like yours.
The concept of “fixing” ourselves negates the positive aspects of God within. God does not see a broken person beyond the ability to heal. Holy sees an opportunity to transform us into the image we were created to become in Him.
Transformation takes effort. The whole process is time consuming, painful, lonely, and/or exhausting. The awakening and revealing of God’s truths is only the beginning. Don’t give up on yourself nor others. There are lots of lessons to learn, obstacles to overcome, and stubborn arrogance to navigate.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2
Pray, ask Jesus for deeper understanding of the scriptures, listen for guidance from Holy Spirit, have hard conversations with God, and seek wisdom through time well spent with faithful warriors. It’s a process. Be a servant like Jesus to those who are not as transformed as you.
God does not give up on you. He will not abandon you. He patiently waits for and seeks you in the process and transforms your inner being into His very heart.
You will learn to fly high above it all in Jesus name. Fly high butterfly!