Time Well Spent

Charlie Brown and Snoopy

The season to give is upon us and what better way to do it than to spend time with loved ones. Toys break, clothes are outgrown, games become boring, and too much time and money is spent bustling around to seek the perfect present as a show of love. What if we decide to give the gift of our presence in addition to or instead of the possessions? Time well spent around the tree serves to make lasting memories, to relax and just be together without the need to do, to enjoy the moment, to share the love, and to marvel at how satisfying it is to feel in our hearts what matters most in life.

Jesus didn’t just teach from the boat. He served a meal and ate with the people. He shared a table with killers, touched lepers, washed the feet of his betrayer, Judas, and felt the touch on the hem of His garment by a sick woman. He was a hands on teacher who spent time with the people. He valued each and every one no matter their monetary worth, their shady past, or their station in the hierarchy of life of those times. He was available to listen, to pray, to help, to serve, to heal, and to talk making every place He went time well spent.

Is it time to reconcile with the prodigal, the drug addicted who lost their way, the annoying family member, or that friendship from long ago that was destroyed? This Christmas make amends and surround your tree of presents with the presence of family, friends, laughter, reconciliation, forgiveness, unconditional love, and make memories anew from time well spent.

“All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone who needed anything. Every day they continued to meet together. They broke bread together in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.” Acts 2:44-46