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From the beginning of their life the turtle persistently defies the odds to successfully survive for a long time. Each slow and calculated step indicates one of the best virtues humans should embrace in life:
The Turtle’s Story of life is about the determination to survive in a slow, wise, and patient existence while navigating a contrasting, unstable world that is hurried and frivolous.
Finding ways to move forward at a slower, more calculated pace while living amid hard times is the Christ-like way to wisdom, patience, and longevity.
The parables, the drawing in the sand, the quiet watching, the calculated teaching, the early morning prayer time alone, and even turning the tables in the temple speak of Jesus’ slow and orchestrated life. It speaks of endurance enabled by Divine protection.
Many times bad memories block our ability to slow down long enough to see truths, but if we are brave enough to let go and jump in the healing waters of Christ our souls are cleansed anew. It is then we become courageous enough to adopt a slower way so that our journey through life feels safe and secure. While the world hurries on toward the unseen cliff, you find the hidden cave of protection and saved because you took the time to slow down and truly see! It’s not too late
“Who then can be saved? Jesus said, “With humananity (alone) this is impossible, but with God All Things Are Possible.” Mark 10:26,27