What does your season of life look like right now? Are you close enough to Jesus to hear His words in your spirit? When you hear Jesus are you ready and willing to obey no matter the cost? Or, do you negotiate so that the pain does not go to deep? Are you willing to take up your cross and follow in obedience for whatever Holy asks you to do, say, give, and sacrifice?
Your most important and real commitment on earth is to take up our cross and follow Jesus. We may not have nails through our hands, but the sarcoidosis joint pain is excruciating especially on days lots have to be done in life. We may not have scars from the crown of thorns, but those scars from trauma, PTSD, addiction, mental abuse, or multiple surgeries will remind you daily, but you must keep functioning in life. We all have different crosses to bear. But, Jesus is the same day after day. Holy knows about suffering.
Today, let the God of order, balance, and provisions lead you instead of dictates of this world. Develop a deeper relationship so you hear Holy daily, multiple times. Make Jesus first in your life before everyone and everything else. This is the season of commitment to God. Embrace it.
Luke 14:25-35