Roots get strong within the darkness of dirt all the while focusing on and following the sunlight upward. It’s a struggle for a seedling to pop up through the heavy dirt ladened with moisture. Beautiful trees, plants, flowers aren’t just manufactured. Even in pristine green houses the seedlings still have to make it through the damp dirt.
Butterflies transform in the darkness of their cocoon while seeking the right moment to tear through the cocoons hard core and break free. It’s a struggle. Timing is everything in order to fly free.
Humans grow in the darkness of the womb until the day of birthing. It’s a struggle. It’s bloody. It’s wailing. Some don’t make it.
Do not discount the dark times of life. Find the light and Keep going.
For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light… Ephesians 5:8