The One

The world has enough judging, hate, wrong ways, and counter actions to goodness. We are to be the ones who see everything through the eyes of Christ and follow through in a like manner. That means taking your flesh out of the way so Jesus can shine through. Pray over your next step, word, or action.

Removing self and inserting the Holy Spirit into every encounter, word, endeavor, and action of behavior is the only way to guard against becoming like the rest. It takes a conscious effort to be the one who steps away from cultural ways and steps into the presence of Holy. Read the Word daily to understand your earthly role in  Christ like living.

Today, be the one who encourages when your mind screams injustice to self. That injustice is not yours to bear, but you will be sucked into it out of feeling wronged. You will suffer along with them and wonder where God is hiding.

Take heart. God does not hide from us. It is we who do not reach out to the Holy Spirit for guidance in every situation of our daily lives. It is us who hides from Holy until the alter call on Sunday morning or life gets really unbearable. We will never learn to be Christ like if we do not include holiness in our everyday  life.

It is never too late to become the one who strives to leave people better for having met us. How do you become the one? Through Jesus, every day, all day long.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32