Photo Credit Donna Pool
How sweet and purr-fect this little kitten lion is when he sleeps. But, when he’s awake the action is non-stop hunting with sharp claws and a fierce bite.
I wonder how Daniel felt as he was thrown into the den of lions? Tremendous fear? His demeanor and the body language of his attitude could have immediately swayed the hungry lions one way, devoured, or the other, laze around watching. Either way God had ordained for Daniel to be saved, but it was Daniel’s response to the situation that made it easier, less traumatic, less violent, less hurtful, and less fearful.
His Trust in God’s way, God’s timing, God’s provision while in the waiting left Daniel without one wound. Did the angel put the lions to sleep?
“My God sent His angel and He shut the mouths of the lions (my enemies). They have not hurt me because I was found innocent in His sight (in the courts of heaven). Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, O king. The king was overjoyed and gave orders to lift Daniel out of the den….no wound was found on him because he had Trusted in His God (in the waiting).” Daniel 6: 22, 23
Enemies lurk around every corner of our daily lives. Our demeanor, attitude, actions, and words all play a part in how our life turns out. If you aren’t trusting in God’s timing of deliverance who and what are you trusting?
- The right time
- A better chance for me
- Other people
- Life’s right path to magically appear
- A calmer day
- My timing
- My self
I choose to trust God in the waiting and strive to maintain calmness amid the chaos, a positive attitude amid my deepest fears, a Christ like demeanor amid my hardest disappointments, and face the lions in my life with His strength in my weakest moments. The right choice, decision, path, direction is not always the easiest, but His Way is the best with the least chance of wounds.
Speak the Truth of His Word to yourself daily. It is your weapon against the onslaught of the many enemies that invade our daily lives. Trust in the wait and put the enemy lions in your life to sleep.