The incredible life of my ancestors speaks of courage and a determined spirit of hope. As a noble Lord, he and his family lost their home, land, and many family members in war. They fled by ship that would take them and many others from Scotland to freedom in America.
They docked in Virginia and worked their way across the land eventually ending up in South Carolina. In their quest to survive they traded with and befriended Native American Indians, lived in caves, built homes by hand, and lived off the land.
The former nobleman of his own land, again, saw war come. His son’s fought in the American Revolutionary War. They fought for freedom for the good of all. Many died before seeing the victory of 1776.
While the chief of Clan Keith was no longer a nobleman, he and his family worked hard to survive the hardships, to provide, to teach, and to keep moving forward. He became a successful business man. He was saved to Jesus and helped build a church. He and some of his family are buried in a church cemetary in Pickens County.
His courage and determination forged the way to freedom when it would have been easier to give up and comply with the demands of the evil forces. These are the kinds of men and women Jesus is looking for today. When life gets hard, messy, distracting, or down right frightening do not run away, turn to evil, or give up hope.
Turn to Jesus. Holy is waiting with open arms. Run to the only one who can give you true freedom.
I can do all things in Christ which strengths me. Philippians 4:13
The courage of determination in Jesus is your only saving grace. His Way is the only direction that matters.