Thankful For…..VETERANS! 11-11

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Which dream are you living? It doesn’t matter which one as long as you recognize their was a sacrifice made upon your behalf in order for your dream to occur. As one who has not seen a military battlefield:

  • I am thankful for all those men and women who have laid down their life to defend this free country so I could live the dream….
  • I am thankful I have not had to experience the battlefield of violence and death, smell the putrid stink of a bloody battle, and watch my comrades drop to the ground like flies….
  • I am thankful the battlefield I have fought upon in my life has occurred with the freedom to pray about it, get help for it, and find the Savior’s peace amid the chaos…
  • I am thankful for the Veteran defenders of this free country, for our defender in the courts of heaven, Jesus, and for the ability to help a veteran when opportunity crosses my path…

Let us not forget those who made sacrifices for us. Many times it’s a life changing sacrifice from death, mangled limbs, PTSD and other mental illness, to broken families, and homelessness. While we move on with our dreams, many still wage a battle in the very country they fought to defend. Many have died not knowing the appreciation, love, and respect for having defended this free country. As a nation, let’s change that right now.

Today, when the opportunity presents itself help ease the way for a Veteran and say “Thank You” with a smile, an acknowledgement, a job, a meal… And, never forget Jesus died for all of us so share your story of faith, too. BE THANKFUL, SHOW THANKFULNESS, GIVE WITH A THANKFUL HEART!

“For you were called to freedom; only do not let your freedom become an opportunity for selfish desires, but through love serve and seek the best for one another.” Galatians 5:13 (amp)