There is a song with the words, “Just a Little Talk With Jesus Makes it Right”. It should say, “Makes ME Right. Not right in the sense of I am right and everyone else is wrong, but, rather, I get right in my heart, soul, and mind with that which is good, kind, just, fair… In other words, talking with Him all throughout each day about everything going on within each scenario keeps me centered, grounded, and listening with an open mind and open heart. It is freeing. It frees me from second guesses, jumping to conclusions, impulsive decisions, and spewing hateful emotions that are mine and mine alone to reconcile within my walk through life in Faith.
Are my days perfect and without complex issues? FAR FROM IT! These days, especially, have been a season one complication after another. Without my talks with Jesus I would be in a heartbroken heap.
In my heart, I believe my faith and my talks with Jesus are my life line. Try it. You will be blessed.