Beware of False Hope
Beware of False Hope Read More »
I watched this beautiful orb spider working hard to complete her/his web before dark one late afternoon and pondered the fact that I knew without any question what the intent of that web was for; to catch insects to eat. At that moment I realized it was simply refreshing to watch this effort fully knowing
If explanations, tall tales, and excuses riddle every comment, action, or decision you make then who are you trying to convince: you or them? Speaking Truth, especially when it hurts, takes a courage so brave and simple some spend a lifetime trying to find it. There are 2 choices when speaking; it’s either a lie
The Transparency of Truth Read More »
God does not leave His warriors (people) unequipped in this world. We are given a clear set of battle gear in Ephesians. Take a look at the attitudes, actions, and/or strategies we can utilize to become battle strong against lies, adversities, evil, temptations, selfishness, confusion, indecision, teenagers (haha, had to throw that in there); you
Recently, I became mesmerized with the raindrops skimming the dark waters of the lake while pondering what I was going to do with my day since my plan of riding my horse clearly wasn’t going to happen. I couldn’t seem to get out of the funk that had settled in my soul so I just
After the Raindrops Read More »