practice what you believe

What Do You Believe?

How you act says more about what you believe than words randomly tossed about. When you truly believe something with your whole heart and soul you are propelled to protect it, honor it, and outwardly show it. Many hide behind the beliefs of religious organizations without ever drawing personally close to God. It is a […]

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Keep Practicing

Everything in life takes practice in order to create habits; good or bad. The world’s chaos, angry citizens, self sabotage, and hate filled actions make it harder and harder to find God’s peace. It takes commitment to doing the right thing. It takes a deliberate change in attitude. It takes daily practice to live like

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Why Silence?

Actions are always louder than words. As believers, we are called to practice what we believe every day not just read and hear the Word then go on about our day earthbound with a “business as usual” attitude. It’s not enough to know the bible. We must live the Word. Why do we feel inhibited

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