
Patiently Waiting

It must be getting close to time. For days now the mom has patiently protected her speckled treasures instead of standing straight up and running across the sand to lure me away. She sits there in the wide open heat of day, through the rain, through endless horse hooves pounding by, and, now, even through …

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Love is Kind

Orphaned and rescued at a few days old, Little Man spent months learning to eat, climb, hunt, and survive until he was ready to be released back into the wild many months later. As a newborn Batman became his fill in Mom licking and cleaning him, watching over him, and nudging him along. Batman was …

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Love is Patient

Nature doesn’t rush the tender offshoot. It gives the gift of time, protection, and provision. Patience lets the course of growth take shape according to the right timing. Love is like that, too, especially Divines love for us. Don’t rush the process. Sometimes the greatest love is found in between patient timing and a little …

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