

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Holy.” Jeremiah 17:7 When we find our true worth in God we find there are things, people, careers, groups, and places that no longer serve to foster our relationship with Holy. There should be no condemnation for each one has taught …

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Love is Patient

Nature doesn’t rush the tender offshoot. It gives the gift of time, protection, and provision. Patience lets the course of growth take shape according to the right timing. Love is like that, too, especially Divines love for us. Don’t rush the process. Sometimes the greatest love is found in between patient timing and a little …

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Anyone who has experienced a helping hand at the lowest point of their life from a kind soul who made the effort to be there and care will always remember that person. The torch bearer found them and saved their life. It is a powerful memory. This is the bare bones of Christmas. The light …

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Truth of the Matter

At daybreak when we rise up to meet the day our test begins. Each day we have another chance to get it right. Our day could be focused on being determined to be kind to those who we deem unworthy of our time, those we are tired of taking advantage of us, or some who …

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