dancing through life

Dance in the Darkness

I am thankful that God reaches out to us in ways of encouragement in the most unexpected! I was having a particularly rough day recently, and while driving home in the dark, I lamented over the day with weariness. Zooming down the country road, I was deep in thought, and it wasn’t joyful. Then the […]

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Stumbling is a Given

Life on earth is clothed in beauty, twirls of happiness, wonders of the universe, spins of serious illnesses, temptations, grief, heartbreak, and many things we just don’t understand. It is a given that we all will stumble along from time to time. There is a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time

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Something to Celebrate

Life’s heartfelt moments of sheer joy and wonder creates happiness that can move our heart into a rhythm of thanksgiving like a dance. Each day we are dealt hardships. Yet, in between those daily hardships we are given blessings of smiling faces, horse nuzzles, genuine hugs, and turkeys in a field to grab onto with

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