One True God
I am thankful for the One True God of my life! Amen
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Psalm 91:1 Have a Beautiful Day!
What comes to mind when you envision the most beautiful day of your life? Perhaps it’s a breathtaking Sunrise or Sunset or a peaceful walk with God through the meadow. Maybe it’s an ocean breeze, laughter, or time spent with good friends. There is peace in the valley of life when you include God no
Let us keep looking to Jesus. He is the one who started this journey of faith. And he is the one who completes the journey of faith. Hebrews 12:2 May your life journey be faith filled. Seasons change. Circumstances change. People in our lives change. The only one who doesn’t change is Jesus. He remained
Each morning, we rise with the sun to be the best spiritual warrior on earth who God can use for the good of all. It makes no difference about our past, and tomorrow is not promised. Today is all we have, and it begins full of opportunities, hope, and new blessings. Make it the best
Forward thinking yet living in the present with Holy Spirit helps us make sense of life each and every day. Keep moving forward in Christ like behavior, thinking, words, and actions. Seize the day in Holy wonder.
What choices are you making these days? Are you choosing to stay close to God? Are you choosing to love all of God’s people, animals, and creation? Are you choosing to set aside the world’s influence and embrace holiness? Choosing to love the unloveable, help the untouchable, and stand by someone in forgiveness takes grit,
What does your spiritual journey look like? How is God reaching out to you? How are you reaching out to God? While everyone’s journey through this world looks uniquely different, it is incredibly exciting to know and see God’s involvement at work in each of our lives. Are you allowing Holy Love into your life,
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Grief, fear, addiction, worry, illness, burdens of guilt, among lots of other things, defeat us if we don’t give them over to God. Jesus is our greatest champion, biggest cheerleader, and faithful intercessor against satan in the courts of heaven. If every other human in your life fails you, just know that Jesus will not.